Insulate a Garage Door: Worth It?

No matter where you live, energy costs fluctuate most of the time. But, in certain regions with drastic temperature changes or extreme weather conditions, homeowners look into ways to insulate their homes in the hopes of bringing energy costs down.

One of the first areas looked at is the garage door, often labeled as an energy vampire because it’s a noticeable source of energy loss.

On a few occasions, insulating a garage door can bring significant energy savings. Read on to learn how to determine if this is worth the investment or not.

Garage Door Insulation Options.

When talking about garage door insulations, some seasonal options or temporary solutions can be helpful. However, some insulation options can provide much better results that last longer. Here are the most popular garage door insulation options to consider:

  • Foam board insulation: Uses thin and rigid panels that provide high-insulating value. These are best for garage doors that rarely open because they’re susceptible to wear and tear from the door opening.
  • Spray foam insulation: A popular insulation method that’s sprayed onto the garage door and improves the R-value of the garage door. It’s not always the most effective option for garage doors, but it’s an option.
  • Cellulose insulation:Very similar to spray foam, but with better results for garage doors. However, cellulose insulation also comes with a higher price tag.
  • Reflective insulation:Uses thin and rigid boards with a reflective foil that helps deter heat. This type of insulation is mainly suited for hot climates.
  • Fiberglass insulation:One of the most affordable types of insulation. It’s applied to the inside face of the door to increase its R-value.

Insulated Garage Doors.

In addition to insulation methods, some homeowners opt for changing their garage door altogether for an insulated door.

Rather than a traditional metal door, these are fiberglass doors with a foam core that decreases energy loss from the garage. If you’re trying to see if insulating your garage door is worth it, looking into an insulated door is a good idea.

Determining If Insulating Your Garage Is Worth It.

Whether or not insulating your garage will make a difference in your energy savings depends on different factors. First, you should answer these questions:

  • Is your garage attached?
  • Do you live in an area with drastic temperature changes or extreme weather?
  • Do you keep pets in your garage?
  • Is your garage used as a workspace?
  • Are you planning on selling your home soon?

If You Answered Yes.

If you answered yes to at least two of these questions, you should consider getting an insulated garage door.

Because your attached garage shares at least one wall with your home, a poorly insulated door will allow hot and cold air into your home.

The same applies if your garage door shares a wall with a bedroom, for example.

On the flip side, even if your garage door rarely opens, but you use the garage space as a workspace or a gym, an insulated garage door will help maintain the temperature of this space. Extreme temperatures can damage belongings stored in your garage—cars, power tools, instruments, gym equipment.

Plus, if you’re planning to sell your home in the near future, providing better insulation options will probably increase your home’s value and make it more appealing to potential homebuyers.Here we give you different door options for your benefit.

If You Answered No

It might not be worth the investment if you answered no to at least three of these questions.

Unless you use your garage to store valuable items that are sensitive to temperature changes, a detached garage will have no impact on your house’s energy bills.

A more practical solution would be to insulate the entire garage—particularly, insulating any walls that connect the garage to the rest of the house. This means insulating the ceiling to prevent energy loss to the space above, insulating the border between the garage and the home, and even protecting the floor and windows to eliminate any air gaps. And, of course, while doing this, taking the time to insulate the garage door itself may be worth it.

In the end, you’ll have to make this decision based on your lifestyle and needs. The style of your garage, the use you give this space, and the temperatures in your area will help you determine if it’s worth it to insulate your garage door.


Whether you choose insulate a garage door , we’ll help you find a style you’ll love. For more information on the Improve the exterior facade of your house with these garage door models, contact our garage door experts online or give us a call today for your free estimate.